Don’t force your wife to act as a lesbian

I am frustrated with myself and other crossdressers for expecting or even ever once having a hope for our wives to act as lesbians. If you are a Christian and believe homosexual behavior is sinful, than trying to get your wife to act this way with you (while you are...

Deeper reasons for crossdressing

It’s easy to assume that our crossdressing is mostly sexual, but there are a whole host of other reasons why we do it. We need to examine our underlying reasons, the hidden motivations that brought about crossdressing in our lives in the first place. We all have...

Encyclopedic resource on transvestism

I found an interesting resource, an Armenian medical network encyclopedia section on transvestism. The section is called – Transvestism and Gender Identity Disorder in Adults. Prepare yourself for a lot of reading! Notice that the link I gave is only page 1 of...


Whew, this is a heavy and personal topic, but I think it needs to be addressed. Is masturbation okay for a Christian? Or is it sinful? This is a long debate and I don’t have all the answers, but I’ve thought a lot about. In fact, my views about it have...

Expose Ministries Articles about Transgenderism

** Unfortunately since writing this article, the Expose MInistries website seems to be down. But I’ll leave up this article as some people might find the quotations useful. ** I’ve been reading some articles from the Expose ministries website. Expose...

Does Crossdressing Stem from Patriarchy?

One day the thought struck me that in some ways crossdressing seems to stem from patriarchy. Feel free to disagree or push me on this. These are just my musings, and I have doubts myself about what I’m saying. I realize that the whole thesis here is incredibly...

Is behavior determined by biology?

I’ve been reading lately about science. I love learning and I also think it’s good for pastors like me to keep on learning about science, even if some of it goes over my head. I’ve been reflecting on some scientific findings that relate to our...
12 Steps to Stop Crossdressing

12 Steps to Stop Crossdressing

I thought it would be helpful to compile a list of good beginning steps for those who want to give up crossdressing for good. This is just a starting point for those who wish to stop crossdressing completely. Stopping crossdressing altogether is a long process, and...

Crossdressing can become idolatry

In this post, I am going to talk about how I think crossdressing can easily become idolatry, in the same way that money or other good or neutral things in life can easily become an idol. This is different from me saying that crossdressing is always necessarily...

Crossdressing without sexual component?

In another post, a lengthy conversation began which included discussion about how some transsexuals are men that used to be simply crossdressers. They began crossdressing in their youth and it had a sexual component in the beginning. But as time went on, and they...